Sleeping is definitely one of life’s greatest pastimes. Just ask Garfield. But the best part of sleeping has to be dreaming. Where else can you experience the splendour of a tartan hippo’s picnic under the bright green sky of Salvador Dali’s sausage allotment than in the land of dreams?
Okay, that’s pretty random, but then dreams usually are. One night you’re meeting Michael Jackson on the Planet Tharg, and the next you’ve inexplicably figured out how to fly before turning up at school naked. Yikes! Still, more often than not we’d like to recall our dreams, and that can be infuriatingly tricky.
That’s where the iREMember Dream Recorder comes in. This ultra sleek gadget wirelessly syncs to its accompanying headgear and automatically starts recording when you enter REM sleep. But how? It might seem a bit sci-fi but thanks to the super high density EEG electrode cluster, a previously unheard of amount of data can be monitored by the device. Amazing!
While this technology is relatively new, the patented Filter and Decoder make the iREMember a world first. They ensure the iREMember stores and converts useful information into an actual video. The resulting video file (up to 60 minutes) can then be copied to your PC or Mac via USB, or you can plug the unit directly into any TV with the handy AV cable (included). To say this is utterly jaw-dropping stuff is an understatement of epic proportions.
Of course we recommend you vet your recordings before showing them to friends and family. Our head buyer inadvertently gave us a bit too much insight into his inner psyche when he proudly showed us a lovely dream. A lovely dream that quickly descended into a video of a gang of screaming clowns chasing baby chimps into a fiery canyon. Nobody sat next to him at lunch for a week.
Dreams have been responsible for inspiring artists, musicians and writers since the beginning of time, so being able to directly reference them will be invaluable for creative types. Lucid dreamers could even direct their own Hollywood blockbusters while getting a good night’s sleep! The iREMember is going to be massive, so get yours now and be one of the first. As John Lennon once said: “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one.” Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Available for £149.95 from here.
Happy April Fools from Firebox..... the bastards! :D
Labels: Interesting Things//Research